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In this section I will give instructions based on my own keybindings.  See APPENDIX #4 for a reference to what each key represents

- something to keep in mind at all times is your fuel level

- its in the bottom right of the screen

- generally when it gets down to 1/4 to 1/3 full you want to look for a space station to fill up at

When you complete the tutorial you will have a sidewinder ship, and 1000 credits.  You will also have a mission “a new opportunity”.   Here’s how to complete it

- Open the “external interface panel” (press "1")

- Press “E” until you have the “transactions” tab selected

- Press right-arrow and you should have “a new opportunity” selected

- Press spacebar

- Right-arrow to highlight the icon that looks like this

- Press spacebar

- the star system that you're aiming for is indicated by a blue double circle like this

Screenshot 2024-02-11 192244.png

or a blue circle like this

z - blue.png

- click and hold on the white dot above the blue circle / the yellow? dot in the blue circle

- you'll get this symbol above it

and see a message "route plotted" in the bottom right of the screen

- you'll find that repeatedly doing this will toggle "route plotted" on and off

- toggle so that the route is plotted

- You’ve now targeted the destination system for this mission

- Press backspace twice

- You now need to leave the space station - but it’s good practice to always check your fuel, repair status and ammo at this point

- Using the arrow keys, highlight in turn the rain-drop, wrench and bullet in the centre of the screen

Screenshot 2024-02-13 130659.png

- These will indicate whether you need to re-supply

(if it says "unavailable" it just means that you can't access fuel / repairs / ammo at this station, so just move on)

- Press spacebar to purchase any of them

- Now use the arrow keys to highlight Auto Launch

- Press spacebar

- Once the launch is completed, you can continue

- Before you can jump to the next star, you need to move far enough away from the space station

- You’ll see in the bottom right corner of the screen there is a light on next to “mass locked”

- Hold down W to accelerate

( go to APPENDIX #2 for an explanation of the throttle display)

- When the “mass locked” light goes out you can continue

- As explained in APPENDIX #3, using the compass, roll and pitch, point your ship at the dot on the compass (use yaw for fine direction adjustment, num4 and num6)

- Aim your ship directly at your target, which looks like this


- Jump to the targeted star ( J )

- Set throttle to maximum (hold down the “W” key)

- After arriving at next star, press 1

- Using up and down arrows highlight the line with blue text

- Press spacebar

- Use right / left arrows to highlight “supercruise assist”

- Spacebar

- Now we are going to move a safe distance from the local star, before we point towards the target - this avoids the risk of taking heat damage from passing too close to the star

- hold down num8 until the star is no longer visible to you

- hold down W to set throttle to maximum

- wait until your speed is at least 4.00c

- now use A, D, num5 and num8 to aim directly at your target

- "supercruise assist" will take over and take you to your target

if supercruise assist isn't working, these are the settings that are required
- press 4
- use Q / E to highlight the "modules" tab
- use up / down arrows to highlight "supercruise assist"
- if the    [  ]      brackets don't have a dot in them, press spacebar twice
- use Q / E to highlight the "ship" tab
- use up / down arrows to highlight "flight assistance"
- if "supercruise assist" is set to "manual throttle", use right arrow and down arrow to highlight this field, then press spacebar so that it is set to "auto throttle"
- press backspace until you are back in the cockpit

- once you arrive at the space station, full throttle (hold down W) until you are within 7.5km (see middle of screen), then press X

- 1, E to select contacts, right arrow to select “request docking”, then spacebar

(Occasionally a docking request is not granted.  If this happens multiple times, the first thing to try is to move more than 7.5km from the station, enter supercruise (press K), loop around and come back to the station (start again from the start of this section for instructions))

- press backspace, then wait while your ship docks with the space station automatically

- use up and down arrow keys to select “starport services”

- mouse and LMB to

     - select "mission board"

     - select "mission board" again

     - "completed missions"

     - "a new opportunity"

     - select the yellow box under "choose one reward"

     - you should now have 11,000 credits (to check this press 4, use Q and E to select the tab to the left of “modules” - balance is shown in the bottom left)

     - backspace until you get back to the cockpit



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