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In this section I will give instructions based on my own keybindings.  See APPENDIX #4  for a reference to what each key represents


- If you need more detailed instructions on how to do a task in this section, please play through DOING A TRANSPORT MISSION to learn how
- When you've done a few transport missions, then you might want to move on to combat missions.  You can make a lot more money from combat missions than from transport - but until you get a better class of ship, you may find using lasers and cannons to be challenging.  If your ship isn't manoeuvrable enough, it makes it hard to hit the other guy. My recommendation is to start by using seeker missiles.  To buy the lowest level seeker missile rack will set you back 72,600 credits, plus about 10k to buy missiles.  So if you want to go this way, keep doing transportation missions until you've saved up this much.

Screenshot 2024-03-02 183605.png

So you have the money saved up.  The sort of money you can earn by doing combat missions with the ship that we're talking about is from 85k to 200k per mission - plus bounties which might be from nothing to about 450k per mission.  

The plan is to equip your ship with at least one "1B Seeker Missile Rack".  If you have enough money, buy two.   The only complication when you use two is that your current power plant isn't able to power the 2 missile racks and everything else at the same time.  So we leave our cargo hatch powered down all the time. Sometimes I still have issues, so in that case I power down my "advanced docking computer" before going into combat.

Here we go:


First of all you need to find a space station where you can buy a missile rack.  In my experience most space


stations sell them.  If you're currently docked at a space station go to COMBAT SECTION 8.  Otherwise proceed to the next step below



- press 1
- arrow keys to highlight the icon under "set filters"
- spacebar
- select stations and de-select all other options
- backspace
- arrows to highlight the top station in the "location" list (not the nav beacon)
- if the only option in the list is "nav beacon" it means you are in an


uninhabited system - go to COMBAT SECTION 3
- spacebar
- arrows to highlight "supercruise assist"
- spacebar
- backspace x 2
- (as always, be cautious if you are close to the sun/star - follow the instructions in red
 if you're not sure what to do)

- turn so that the local star is not visible on your screen
- hold down W to set your throttle to maximum
- wait until your speed is at least 4.00c
- point your ship at your target and let the supercruise-assist module take over 
- now continue with your mission 

- if you're not close to the star, turn your ship so you're pointing directly at your target
- supercruise assist will take you to the station
- once you arrive at the space station, full throttle (hold down W) until you are within 7.5km (see middle of screen), then press X
- 1, E to select contacts, right arrow to select “request docking”, then spacebar
- (Occasionally a docking request is not granted.  If this happens multiple times, the first thing to try is to move more than 7.5km from the station, enter supercruise (press K), loop around and come back to the station (start again from the start of this section for instructions).  If you are still denied, fly to a

different star system - COMBAT SECTION 3 ))

- once you are docked, proceed to the next step below



( If after following these directions you find there aren't any missile racks available for purchase at this station,


go to COMBAT SECTION 3 and travel to another star system in order to find another space station where you can purchase one)

- starport services
- (then using mouse)
- outfitting (3 hexagons)
- hardpoints
- pulse laser
- replace module
- missiles
- on the left hand side are weapons that are in stock or in storage.  If they are striped (as shown on the right here) it means they are unavailable (or that you can't use them for one of a variety of other reasons)

(you're looking for "seeker missile rack" not "missile rack")

Screenshot 2024-02-25 125606.png

- buy and equip, then wait for animation to complete

- now we need to add it to a fire group

- backspace

- OK

- 4

- press E until "fire groups" is highlighted

- use arrow keys to select the circle in column A next to Seeker Missile Rack

- press spacebar until there's a "1" in that circle

- backspace

- backspace

- use arrow keys to highlight "ammunition" icon (looks like a bullet)

- spacebar to restock

- if you have 2 missile launchers, disable your cargo hatch so that your launchers have enough power to operate

- 4

- use Q,E to select "modules"

- arrow keys to to highlight cargo hatch

- spacebar

- if it says active, press spacebar

- backspace

Now to find a combat mission

- starport services

- (using mouse)

- mission board

- mission board

- combat

- find a mission with a reward of less that 150,000 credits.  A pirates or terrorist mission is ideal.  Smugglers are ok too - you will become "wanted" after killing a smuggler, but it seems to be a minor crime that will just cost you a few thousand credits - no other consequences

- (if there isn't a mission like this, we will try at a different space station, go to COMBAT SECTION 1  )

- (using mouse)

- click on the mission

- click galaxy map icon (refer to DOING A TRANSPORT MISSION for more details)

- hold down space bar, and verify that its not too far away

- backspace

- backspace

- (if the mission was too far away, choose another mission - repeat until you find one that's close enough)

- accept mission

- backspace until you are back in the cockpit

- auto launch

- now it's time to go to DOING A COMBAT MISSION  BUT if you don't know about "pips" go to APPENDIX #1  and then use the menu to go to DOING A COMBAT MISSION


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