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In this section I will give instructions based on my own keybindings.  See APPENDIX #4 for a reference to what each key represents


- if you’re after suggestions on where to go from here, I’d suggest trying a transportation mission

- when you are docked in a space station:

- highlight “starport services” with arrow keys

- spacebar

- use mouse and LMB (left mouse button) to select "mission board"

- select "mission board" again

- select “transportation”

- find a mission with a reward less than 20,000 credits

- select the mission with LMB

- click on the icon that looks like this​​

- the star system that you're aiming for is indicated by a blue double circle like this

Screenshot 2024-02-11 192244.png

- or a blue circle like this

z - blue.png

- click and hold on the white dot above the blue circle / the yellow? dot in the blue circle

- you'll get this symbol above it

Screenshot 2024-02-17 110503.png

and see a message "route plotted" in the bottom right of the screen, along with either "next jump" or "<number of> jumps"

- you'll find that repeatedly doing this will toggle "route plotted" on and off

- (there are two other possibilities

        - if you get a message "plotting error" - this means the mission is unreachable

        - another possibility is that the mission destination is in the current star system - in this case

          clicking and holding on the dot does nothing (make a note of this for future reference )

- (to give you an idea what the number of jumps represents, someone that has practiced for a while will probably take an average of 55 seconds to do each hyperspace jump - so you probably don't want to do a mission that requires more than 5 jumps - at this stage anyway - so choose another mission if there are too many jumps required)

- if you want to choose another mission, press backspace until you're back to the list of missions, choose another one, and start again from the start of this section

- toggle so that the route is plotted

- You’ve now targeted the destination system for this mission

- Press backspace twice then click on “accept mission” (then possibly accept mission again)

- press backspace until you’re back in your cockpit

- now before leaving the starport, check that you don't need fuel, repairs or ammo

- use the arrow keys to select, in turn, the water drop, wrench, and bullet icons 

(if it says "unavailable" it just means that you can't access fuel / repairs / ammo at this station, so just move on)

Screenshot 2024-02-13 130659.png

- if it says you need any, press spacebar and it will change to "maximum fuel" , "fully repaired", etc  (your starter weapons don't need ammo)

- select auto-launch to leave the spaceport (with arrows and spacebar)

- Once the launch is completed, you can continue

- before you can jump to the next star, you need to move far enough away from the space station

- you’ll see in the bottom right corner of the screen there is a light on next to “mass locked”

- hold down W to accelerate

( go to APPENDIX #2 for an explanation of the throttle display)

- when the “mass locked” light goes out you can continue

- at this point, if the mission destination is in the current star system (when setting route above, you wouldn't have got a "route plotted" message) then proceed to TRANSPORT SECTION 1

- As explained in APPENDIX #3, using the compass, roll and pitch, point your ship at the dot on the compass (use yaw for fine direction adjustment, num4 and num6) - the target looks like this:

- now press J to jump to the target star (this will take at least 20 seconds)

- repeat this process if getting to your destination requires 2 or more jumps

- you know that you are not yet at your destination if the "compass" is displayed to the top left of the central radar​

- if the compass is not displayed, proceed to the next step below



- press 1
- in the navigation tab, use right arrow to highlight the top of the list, then down arrow until you find a line with blue text 
- highlight that line
- spacebar
- highlight supercruise-assist (using right / left arrows and spacebar)
- spacebar

- backspace x 2
- (as always, be cautious if you are close to the sun/star - follow the instructions in red
 if you're not sure what to do)

- turn so that the local star is not visible on your screen
- hold down W to set your throttle to maximum
- wait until your speed is at least 4.00c
- now continue with your mission 

- now use A, D, num5 and num8 to aim directly at your target, which looks like this


- "supercruise assist" will take over and take you to your target

if supercruise assist isn't working, these are the settings that are required
- press 4
- use Q / E to highlight the "modules" tab
- use up / down arrows to highlight "supercruise assist"
- if the    [  ]      brackets don't have a dot in them, press spacebar twice
- use Q / E to highlight the "ship" tab
- use up / down arrows to highlight "flight assistance"
- if "supercruise assist" is set to "manual throttle", use right arrow and down arrow to highlight this field, then press spacebar so that it is set to "auto throttle"
- press backspace until you are back in the cockpit

- once you arrive at the space station, full throttle (hold down W) until you are within 7.5km (see middle of screen), then press X

- press 1

- press E until "contacts" is selected, right arrow to select “request docking”, then spacebar

- (Occasionally a docking request is not granted.  If this happens multiple times, the first thing to try is to move more than 7.5km from the station, enter supercruise (press K), loop around and come back to the station (start again from the start of this section for instructions))

- press backspace, then wait while your ship docks with the space station automatically

- (Occasionally a docking request is not granted.  If this happens multiple times, the first thing to try is to move more than 7.5km from the station, enter supercruise (press K), loop around and come back to the station (start again from the start of this section for instructions))

- "starport services" should be highlighted, otherwise use up and down arrow keys to highlight it

- spacebar

- use mouse and LMB to select "mission board"

- select “mission board” again

- "completed missions"

- there should just be one mission to click on

- under "choose one reward" there will be 3 yellow boxes - click on the left hand box

- backspace until you get back to the cockpit

- try a couple more transport missions, then go to PREPARING FOR A COMBAT MISSION



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