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In this section I will give instructions based on my own keybindings.  See APPENDIX #4 for a reference to what each key represents 

Now to find a combat mission

- starport services

- (using mouse)

- mission board

- mission board

- combat

- find a mission with a reward of less that 150,000 credits.  A pirates or terrorist mission is ideal.  Smugglers are ok too - you will become "wanted" after killing a smuggler, but it seems to be a minor crime that will just cost you a few thousand credits - no other consequences

- (if there isn't a mission like this, we will try at a different space station, go to COMBAT SECTION 1 

- (using mouse)

- click on the mission

- click galaxy map icon (refer to DOING A TRANSPORT MISSION for more details)

- click and hold on the target star, and verify that it's not too far away

- backspace

- backspace

- (if the mission was too far away, choose another mission - repeat until you find one that's close enough)

- accept mission

- backspace until you are back in the cockpit

- auto launch

- in my experience, once we get to our destination system, there's a reasonably high chance that the pirate / terrorist / smuggler we are after will try to "interdict" us and pull us out of supercruise
- if this happens, the easiest thing to do is press X, then go to COMBAT SECTION 10

- at this point I recommend turning your sound on, or turning up the volume so you can hear the game sounds clearly - this will assist you during combat
- after launch is finished, set throttle to max to move you away from the starport
- wait until the "mass locked" light goes out
- use the compass to point your ship at the target star system
- J
- (continue after jumping to the next star system)
- repeat this process if getting to your destination requires 2 or more jumps
- (you know that you are not yet at your destination if the "compass" is displayed to the top left of the central radar​


f the compass is not displayed, proceed to the next step below)

- 1
- use Q/E to select the navigation tab
- near the top of the list should be "nav beacon"
- highlight it using arrow keys
- spacebar
- highlight "supercruise assist"

- spacebar
- backspace x 2
- (as always, be cautious if you are close to the sun/star - follow the instructions in red
 if you're not sure what to do)

- turn so that the local star is not visible on your screen
- hold down W to set your throttle to maximum
- wait until your speed is at least 4.00c
- point your ship at your target and let the supercruise-assist module take over 
- now continue with your mission 

- if you're not close to the star, turn your ship so you're pointing directly at your target
- supercruise assist will take you to the station

- (after arriving)
- 1
- Q,E to select "contacts"
- arrow keys to select "navigation beacon"
- spacebar
- backspace
- on the central radar you'll see a triangle or square with brackets around it like this


- experiment with A, D, numpad8 and numpad5 and see how this target moves as you turn

- to make it confusing there is a "nav beacon" which is marked with a circle, and a "navigation beacon" which is marked by < > brackets.  You are looking for the brackets, like the one on the left:

- when you are pointed towards it, the display in the bottom left of the screen will show

Screenshot 2024-03-06 194232.png

- once the scanning message has gone we can move on

- (you may not see the scanning message, it is easy to miss.  If you are less than 2km from the beacon (the one on the left not the one on the right) aimed directly at it, and you don't see the scanning message, then the scan has already finished and you can move on)

- press K

- throttle up to max

- (if you have 2 missile launchers and have had issues with missile racks shutting down due to low power, this is where you disable your Advanced Docking Computer)

- how to disable your Advanced Docking Computer
- press 4
- press E until "modules" tab is selected
- use up/down arrow keys to highlight "advanced docking computer"
- spacebar
- if the "active" option is enabled press spacebar
- the advanced docking computer is now disabled
- remember after combat to do these (or similar) steps again to enable the docking computer

- you should quickly see a message in the top right of the screen "discovered mission related signal source"

- press 1

- Q,E to select navigation tab

- use arrow keys to highlight this cross (if it's there)

Screenshot 2024-02-13 145507.png

- spacebar

- using the arrow keys, scroll down the list under the heading "location" - you are looking for blue text "mission target" like this

Screenshot 2024-02-10 090840.png

- there will likely be multiple lines with blue text - "mission: target" is what you want

- highlight this line

- spacebar

- use arrows to highlight "supercruise assist"

- spacebar

- backspace

- turn your ship to align with target

- (supercruise assist takes you to the combat target)

- proceed to the next step


- you've just arrived at the combat location
- You might find the combat arena confusing and overwhelming.  Just remember that when you're in your beginner ship you have basically nothing to lose.  If you get destroyed, you get another ship and you can try again
- press "[" to set throttle to 50%
- press U so that you see "seeker missile" to the right of the HUD
- 1
- press Q,E to select "contacts"
- the top vessel should be highlighted
- spacebar
- backspace
- now you'll see the details of the target in the bottom left
- if it says "mission target" then its the one you want to kill
- if it doesn't, target another ship in the same way until you find the mission target
- now you'll see the target in your central radar looking like this (triangle in angle brackets)


- using the mouse, or A, D, num5, num8, turn your ship to point at the target

- keep your ship pointed at the target, and press and hold the left mouse button

- it takes a while for the first missiles to fire, but they will keep firing if you stay pointed towards the target with the button held down

- if your missiles don't start firing, pay attention to the sounds made when you point at the target - in this video at about the 0:06 mark, you'll hear a series of 11 or 12 beeps, starting slow then speeding up - that's what you should hear if you are holding your finger on the LMB and keep aimed straight at the target for long enough

- you'll also see in the video that once you are attacking, or are being attacked, the target will look like this

z - triangle.png

- quite often I seem to lose target lock.  You need to re-lock to be able to fire weapons.  If you can see the ship, turn your ship towards it until you see an orange box around it


- then press T

- (when nothing is targeted you'll see the name of your current star system in the bottom left - when you have a target, you'll see the name of the pilot and the ship)

- so if you run out of ammo without destroying the target, its time to run


- if you get destroyed, go to COMBAT SECTION 4

- so you've destroyed the target

- make a note, if when the target was destroyed, a message came up in the top right about "bounty claim awarded"

- now you need to check if the mission had more than one target

- 1

- press Q,E to select "transactions"

- up, down arrows to highlight "all transactions"

- right arrow to highlight the mission

- spacebar

- this screen will either show "reward options" or "kills confirmed"

- if there are still targets remaining (ie. not displaying "reward options", press "U" and then go back to the start



- otherwise, it's time to collect our reward

- press "U"

- 1

- select "transactions"

- arrow keys to highlight mission

- spacebar

- arrow keys to highlight galaxy map

- spacebar

- (now using mouse)

- click and hold on the system (white dot) that is marked with a double blue circle

- backspace until you are back in the cockpit

- J

- turn ship to point at target

- max throttle

- (then after jumping)

- continue jumping to the next target until you don't have a target

- 1

- arrow keys to highlight "set filters"

- remove any ticks and tick "stations"

- backspace

- arrow keys to highlight the blue text

- spacebar

- select "supercruise assist"

- turn ship towards the target, being careful to avoid getting too close to the star

- supercruise will take you to the station

- dock with the station

- refuel, repair and restock ammo

- starport services

- using mouse - mission board

- mission board

- completed missions

- click on the completed mission

- click on the leftmost reward

- backspace until you're back in the cockpit

- if you earned a bounty:

- starport services

- using mouse - contacts

- administrative contact

- bounty vouchers

- "redeem all bounty vouchers"

- backspace until you're back in the cockpit

- so if you currently only have one missile rack, my recommendation is that if you have say 100,000 credits or

more, you  now buy a second missile rack - go to COMBAT SECTION 8

- if you don't have that much money, do more combat missions until you do -


- if you have two missile racks then you could either continue accumulating money, or go looking online for other ideas - I intend to extend this guide at some point to cover purchasing and equipping a more capable combat ship - about 10 million credits should cover that.  Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to let me know if this interests you.

Thank you very much for being one of the first to use my guide.  I really do appreciate you doing so!  I hope you continue to enjoy flying in the Elite Dangerous universe


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